Information about Tanner Andrews, P.A.

Tanner Andrews practices law under the name Tanner Andrews, P.A. The office is located in the historic Conrad building, 112 W. New York Ave., DeLand. Suite 203 may be reached via elevator or stairs.

Andrews practices in the areas of Sunshine and Public Records. Florida law provides that most decisions must be made in public meetings; most records must be available for inspection on demand.

In Florida, we have the right to see what our governments are doing. Article 1 §24, Constitution. Many governments resist citizen involvement and oversight. Andrews' law practice is intended to help citizens who want to be involved.

The Legislature works to erode this right each year, enacing dozens of new exemptions, mostly silly but some harmful. They are rarely challenged due to the cost and time involved, and the few challenges mounted often fail due to judges being respecters of persons instead of the law.

Contact information:

Tanner Andrews, P.A.
112 W. New York Ave., #203
P.O. Box 1208
DeLand, FLA 32721

Andrews has lived in the DeLand area since 1984. Some biographical information may be had.

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